Saturday 3 January 2015

Search of Water in other Planets - The hottest Planet Mercury

Water is the source of life and without water nothing could survive is the science that we know. There could be an entirely new alien living being that could live without water or even oxygen, is still a thing that could be pondered. But as of now what our science knows limits us not to venture further and be content with the facts that we are only kind of living beings in the Universe. The conditions that are present in our planet are the most suitable ones for creation of life.

But even the presence of water also does not indicate presence of living beings because there are various factors that govern the creation of life like atmosphere, temperature and other natural conditions that are custom built by earth for our survival. As a matter of fact water is discovered in most of the planets in our solar system and is also observed to be present in some of the Moons even.
Scientists believe that there is a zone called habitable zone in the solar system and life could survive only in that zone and we at earth sit exactly in that zone. 

But since we have found water to shape the lives of beings in earth even in adverse conditions we are still intrigued and continue our researches to find out if there are other possibilities for survival of living beings beyond this habitable zone. The first part of it is to ascertain the availability of water in other planets and moons and we have made significant progress in that. And the next step would be to explore the possibility of surviving living beings in those areas and also to find out any traces of past life that is extinct now.

I am just going to discuss only about the findings of water in other planets and moons in our solar system and in what form the water is existing there.


This is the closest planet to the sun with scorching temperatures of more than 450 degree centigrade. Liquid water is certainly not a possibility as the boiling point of water is 100 degree centigrade. It cannot freeze at this high temperature as we all know that the freezing point of water is 0 degree C. But as a wonder of wonders presence of water is detected in Mercury in the year 2012 by Messenger satellite that is orbiting around the planet Mercury.\

An entire crate in the northern pole of Mercury that is 113 kilometer wide is discovered to be made of ice deposits. Even though here are other deposits ion the same crater that are darker in shade, the deposits of ice are lighter in color and are noticeably separated from other deposits. We can conclude three things with this discovery. 

There is evidence of water in mercury even though in a form that is not suitable for living organisms to thrive.  The darker deposits that could be formed by organic matters that further indicates that there would have been living organisms in the distant past and who knows even now. We still believe that the conditions prevailing in earth are the only ones that are suitable to support life. This belief is rooted in our minds as we have not come across any living beings that survive in different conditions and atmospheres.

The corners of the crates that separate ice and other darker deposits are found to be very sharp which as per the scientists is an indication that these crates are comparatively younger than the crates found in other planets and moons.  In fact we also know that our moon also has frozen water in its polar crates. But these deposits are considered to be older than the ones that are found in mercury. There is also another fact about Mercury that substantiate the discovery.

There is not tilt in the position of Mercury as we find in our earth. This keeps the poles of Mercury always on a darker side with no sunlight directly falling over them. Who knows? This could also be one of the nature’s cradles that is harboring lives and had done so in the past and evidences of such survivals are still left there. Only time and further advances in science could enlighten us about the exact situation prevailing there.

So we now know that the life giving water is not exclusive to us alone. It is also available in hot planets like Mercury and other planets and moons about which we will be discussing in my next post. The conditions prevailing Mercury also indicates the fate of our own planet when our Sun reaches the red giant stage. Whether we could survive in those extreme conditions inside some frozen ice crates buried deep inside the poles of our planet. 

The answer very well lies in those ice crates found in Mercury. If we could find any living organism there, then that would be a conclusive evidence that would tell us whether we could survive under abusive circumstances and how life could be led there. That would also open various options of living in other planets that are not suitable for habitation.
My next post will be about water in Venus.

The plot for extinction of existence

Why life is possible in Earth?

It is a wonderful planet. We get everything exactly how we need it. Right quantity of oxygen in the atmosphere to support respiration perfectly balancing with Nitrogen to create an ecological balance. Sufficient greenhouse effect to serve as a barrier to stop the UV rays of the Sun from hitting us directly. Abundance of life giving water and the nature’s cycle that re-vitalizes it. Inner core of the earth crust that consists of molten lava consisting mostly of ferrous materials creating an excellent magnetic barrier.

But how everything got into play exactly at the right time to create that magical moment when the first life came into existence, is still a mystery. Life by itself is another mystery that may not get clarified in our life time. But at least we can ponder about the facts that make life possible in earth.

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Basic element in the material world is Hydrogen which consists of a nucleus having one proton and an electron circling around it.  Within three minutes of the big bang protons and electrons were formed and that started the creation and expansion of the Universe. It is a real, hard journey from there for the creation of elements with higher configuration. Creation of stars is actually ignition of Hydrogen by nuclear fusion creating Helium in the process. Helium is again an element that has two protons and two neutrons in the nucleus with two electrons revolving around it.

When more and more helium is formed hydrogen concentration in the star reduces gradually and the next level of nuclear fusion happens that mingles helium atoms to create higher atomic particles like nitrogen, oxygen and carbon. These three along with Hydrogen form the basis of composition that created and sustained life in earth.

How we are gifted with this life sustaining atmosphere?

At the time of creation, earth was having a different kind of atmosphere that mostly consisted of hot hydrogen and helium vapors. Two vital forces constantly act on all the planets and stars – Gravitational pull and centrifugal force. For anything to stick to the earth surface both the forces have to be in equilibrium. I the case of Hydrogen and Helium, the centrifugal force exceeded gravitational pull of the earth and the main contributing factor could be lighter configuration of these two elements.

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After disappearance of the first and the basic atmosphere, a second atmosphere started building up with the gases released by the earth’s crust due to volcanic activities and eruptions. This second atmosphere mostly consists of water, ammonia and carbon-di-oxide that came out during volcanic eruption from inside the earth. Even though this atmosphere is also not suitable for creation of the present day living cells, it was supportive for a special bacteria that feeds on carbon-di-oxide. The first thing that happened is a particular quantity of Carbon-di-oxide got dissolved in by water in the oceans. With this dissolved gas the bacteria began to thrive happily.

The interesting part of this build up is that these bacteria consumed carbon-di-oxide and let out oxygen. Further and further quantities of Carbon-di-oxide started dissolving in the waters as continuous depletion was happening due to its consumption by bacteria. Oxygen released by these bacteria started building up in the atmosphere. At the same time Sun also played an important role by disintegrating ammonia into nitrogen and hydrogen by the UV radiation and lightning. Hydrogen as it is a lighter element subsequently escaped into space.

Concentration of oxygen and nitrogen slowly increased and the present day atmosphere is formed.
How water came into existence in our planet?

Even before the build-up of oxygen in the atmosphere water was found in our planet. Hydrogen when burned with oxygen forms water and without oxygen and hydrogen water formation in the earth wouldn't have been a possibility. The most accepted theory most of the scientists is that water would have come to our planet through asteroid collision. An asteroid or multiple asteroids with abundant water would have collided with the earth and would have created oceans that we see today.

Presence of water alone does not guarantee creation of life. Lots of planets and moons are now discovered with frozen water where life cannot sustain. Water has to be in the liquid form and should be moving to create life. The right kind of temperature to bring this favorable condition is provided by calculated distance of earth from the sun and the atmospheric cover that protects it from the direct UV radiation of the sun.

Not only we, but the earth is also live:

Creation of life is not possible if the earth where we are living is not active. Even with all the life supporting ingredients live may not evolve in dead planets where there is no activity. Our earth is vibrant in many ways that helped creation and still helping to sustain it. The magnetic field created by earth deflects the dreadful solar wind that comprises of highly charged particles. If those solar winds reach the surface of the earth no living being could survive. The earth’s magnetic field is created by the inner core of the earth. It is produced by the motioned of highly conductive ferrous alloys present in the earth’s core.
If not for the active core in the center of the earth, living in earth is not a possibility. The inner core that resembles the womb of the earth is always active and live and this activity keeps the life going on earth.

Our loving earth is active in the space with its gravitational pull and magnetic attracted, active on the surface creating climatic conditions and active inside that protects us from the solar wind. Earth could be the bigger living being that hosts millions of sub-beings on its surface, atmosphere and inner layers. 

We, the ultimate of living beings born right from the womb of mother earth, knowingly and unknowingly plot for the extinction of its existence. The plot will be unearthed in my next plot.

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Friday 2 January 2015

How we made our own Water Cycle that imbalances the environment

Water is life. Life is Water. Without Water life wouldn't be possible in this world. It is sad to add here that without us, water, our planet and all other living beings would be safe. We are the ultimate in evolution and we are the only beings who know about how water is important and vital for the environmental balance. But still we are the ones who are polluting it out of greed, lack of technology and ignorance.

Nature has created a water circle that maintains the water balance and we, the humans created a water cycle of our own that imbalances the environment. In this blog we will be discussing all about water right from how it got its entry to the world to treatment, utilization, recycling and much more.
In this post I shall discuss about the water cycle created by nature and by us and how that affects our environment.

Water Cycle created by nature:

Sun is the major source of energy for our planet and it also helps us in many ways for sustaining the lives of living creatures in the world. Two third of our earth surface is covered by water and that means that water is receiving most of the heat radiated by the sun.

Heat of the Sun, increases the vapor pressure of the surface water and the vapors get mixed with atmospheric air creates humidity. Humidity will be higher near water bodies like sea or big lakes. These water vapors get accumulated in the atmosphere and form clouds in the sky that are black in color. The clouds are formed mainly by the inter-molecular attraction and gravitational pull of groups of molecules.

The clouds get concentrated by water and when subjected to sudden cooling or its path is blocked by a mountain then the water condenses and falls as rain.

Rain water is fresh water and is the purest form of water. But after its formation by condensation it travels through the atmosphere and reaches the surface of the earth. And during the process it gets acidic because of lightning. Lightning creates a high voltage current which produces enormous heat. Under this heat, Nitrogen in the atmosphere reacts with oxygen and forms oxides of Nitrogen. These oxides dissolve in water and nitric acid is formed. This is the reason why the purest form of water is turning acidic when it reaches the earth surface.

Rain feed rivers, lakes, reservoirs and oceans with water. Rain water is the major source of fresh water for rivers, lakes and in some parts of the world where a proper storage facility is not there, the water is directly used for agriculture.

This water again gets evaporated and forms clouds in the sky and fall back as rain and this cycle is continuing for a real long time and is the reason of many of the climatic conditions and changes we experience in this world. This water cycle is created by nature and we are being showered with its benefits that sustains life in earth.

Water Cycle created by Humans:

Water is an essential commodity for all living beings and we as humans use it for drinking and cooking purposes that are essential. As our necessities grew our usage of water multiplied. We started using water for cleaning, washing and bathing purposes that initially started pollution.

As scientific advances started changing the life style of humans, usage of water also increased in industries, laboratories and households. O an average every human in the world is using about 80 liters of water every day. Out of this only 2 to 3 litres of water is consumed directly by drinking and cooking. Rest of the water is used for washing, cleaning and other purposes. Whatever be the utilization, water is let out immediately but not in its pure form but with lots of impurities. If you just consider 6000 millions of humans living in this earth then we are wasting an approximate quantity of 480000 million liters of water every day. That makes it 175200000 million litres of water every year.
So we were almost polluting 175200000 million liters of water every year and discharging them to oceans. This had been the case for a long, long period before we understood the enormity of this pollution and took corrective measures.

Before taking the corrective measures the cycle was simply like this:

Sourcing – Utilization and discharge.

Once we understood the implications of such discharges we started treating the waste water before discharging them to the oceans. Even though we have fully understood the importance of waste water purification, we still could not maintain the waste water quality in most of the countries. There are many reasons for this. Lack of infra-structure, lack of technologies, greed for money and more profits, negligence and ignorance. Now the revised cycle of water made by man looks like this

Sourcing, water treatment, utilization, waste water treatment and discharge back to the source.

There are strict pollution control norms for discharging waste water and in spite of that the cycle is simply not followed in many countries and places that is slowly but strongly deteriorating the water source. When this continues, our next generations might land into a situation where finding pure water itself would be a problem.